Add a little Structure!!!

All indicators show us being in the stay at home mode for at least four more weeks.  I believe it is important to provide the supports needed to get folks through the isolation in the best way.

Each CSI  support should have a schedule for each day.  It can be for the house, with some break outs for separate activities for individual people.  Everyone will function better if there are schedules and structure in place, they will know what to expect.  Work with the people you support to determine a set routine that involves interaction, stimulates the brain, provides exercise and most of all provides predictability.  We can also be addressing goals.  You may support someone with a goal to take a vacation, they can use this time to explore and plan. On the CSI Facebook page we have shared a number of resources.  There are open classrooms, concerts, museum tours, art lessons, music lesson, physical fitness and more.  Many resources are listed below.

Predictable, staff know what is expected of them each day.  Predictable the people supported know what to expect. Let folks see the schedule, so they know what is next.

Does it have pictures and Velcro so when you are done with a block it could come off the schedule?  Make sure it is colorful and FUN!! Lots of great ideas!!

Routines Are Life

When you work with ID/DD, mental health, residential youth, and even people in their senior years of life, in various types of residential settings, you quickly learn that routines are vital to success. During times of Natural Disasters, Contagious Illness Outbreaks and Government Shut Downs, these routines get broken, switched around, and lost. When this happens, behavioral challenges rise. The resources often become limited.

Here is the beginning of a schedule, get input from those you support, modify as needed but lets put some structure in our day.


  Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday  
8-9 A Breakfast James cooks Today is: Talk about day, weather, what to do Breakfast James cooks Today is: Talk about day, weather, what to do Breakfast James cooks Today is: Talk about day, weather, what to do Breakfast James cooks Today is: Talk about day, weather, what to do Breakfast James cooks Today is: Talk about day, weather, what to do Breakfast James cooks Today is: Talk about day, weather, what to do Breakfast James cooks Today is: Talk about day, weather, what to doCSI  
9-10 Church services and music Bingo Fun with numbers Fun with colors Interesting science Bingo Chores  
10-10:30 snack snack snack snack snack snack Snack  
10:30-11 Exercise and movement Exercise and movement Lets try yoga Exercise and movement Exercise and movement Learn a dance on youtube Exercise and movement Sidewalk chalk Exercise and movement Exercise and movement  
11-11:45 Arts and crafts Cards for shut ins Arts and crafts Building with blocks   Arts and crafts Make stars to create a night sky Create a movie Board Games Healthy living Cooking healthy Bingo  
12-1 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch  
1-2 Art lesson on computer Art lesson on computer Learning something new Art lesson on computer Managing my money Art lesson on computer Art lesson on computer  
2-3 Writing, coloring and creating. r Museum lesson on computer Learn about animals on line Traveling the world Museum lesson on computer Museum lesson on computer Museum lesson on computer  
3-4 Music and dance Music and dance Music and dance Music and dance Music and dance Music and dance Music and dance  

This definitely presents a unique challenge for all teachers (and families), and especially special education teachers who are wondering how in the world am I going to do that? Here’s a few ideas, including some FREE (and some paid) resources.

88 Adventures for Residential Settings Based Services Employees To Create

Posted on March 18, 2020 by manda_mckinney

I am a firm believer that Adventure can happen anywhere. I wholly believe that Adventure is more about ATTITUDE than DESTINATION.

Finding adventure is a way of life for me. It’s a need that’s deep inside of me. Taking adventures with a destination in mind brings me happiness and peace. I love spending time with my friends, families coworkers creating memories and laughing.

I have worked with individuals with various disabilities, socio-economic, and mental health struggles for the past 18 years in a professional setting. I have a deep appreciation for the struggle of the Human Services worker.

Hard Times

During times of Natural Disasters, Contagious Illness Outbreaks and Government Shut Downs, the Human Services field as whole is under immense pressure. The workers step in and step up even harder. The hours are long. The emotions high. Adventures can seem few.

When you work with the various populations of people that I have, you encounter a specific struggle. And let me tell you, the struggle can be real. The struggle I am referring to is … How do I keep my individuals that I serve entertained, engaged, and calm when their routines are thrown off during these challenging times.

Routines Are Life

When you work with ID/DD, mental health, residential youth, and even people in their senior years of life, in various types of residential settings, you quickly learn that routines are vital to success. During times of Natural Disasters, Contagious Illness Outbreaks and Government Shut Downs, these routines get broken, switched around, and lost. When this happens, behavioral challenges rise. The resources often become limited.

My Best Advice

My number one advice that I give my team during these times is a 3 fold message.

  • Team work is vital to success
  • Set a new routine and make it visual and predictable
  • Keep the activities going (this is where adventure comes into play)

Adventure is an Attitude

Activities are going to be your work adventures during the harder times, like the ones I referenced above. Choose to come into work with a positive attitude. Choose to come in prepared. Choose to come in looking for opportunities for adventure. The world NEEDS your positive energy.

88 Easy Adventures

Here are 88 EASY Adventures you can try TODAY!

X Activity to Try
  Bead a Necklace or Bracelet
  Make a Wind chime
  Play a “Bored Game” (aka Board Game ) (ex. Candy Land, Pie Face, Mouse Trap, etc.)
  Play  a Card Game (go fish, slap jack, war, solitaire)
  Make a Card and Mail it
  Draw/Color a picture
  Build something from cardboard boxes
  Read a Book or Magazine (also listen to audio book or pod cast)
  Play “Name that Tune” song trivia
  Make a Dream Catcher
  Learn the Cup Song
  Act out a movie scene
  Host your own “American Idol” or “America’s Got Talent”
  Video Game
  Exercise Challenge (sit up, jumping jacks. Running in place) see who can do the most
  Learn a hand clapping song routine
  Try out Ribbon Dancing
  Take pictures with funny face filters
  Walk around the back yard
  Learn a dance off YouTube
  Build an indoor tent and tell campfire stories
  Cut out stars and create the night sky
  Make a volcano and make it erupt (baking soda and vinegar)
  Make Slime
  Learn a new recipe
  Create your own wall mural (plain color flat sheet and sharpies)
  Learn to dribble
  Indoor “basketball” (ball or paper wad and laundry basket)
  Practice rhythms and make a band (use kitchen supplies, pots, pans, spoons)
  Play ”I spy”
  Make positive quote or sayings signs and post in your windows for the neighbors
  Pick up sticks from your yard (spring clean-up)
  Online Video Tours of museums or zoo’s
  Try to sing an Opera
  Bring a Pet to Visit the home (if your agency allows)
  Learn to make shadow puppets/animals
  Turn out the lights and put on a light show (using flashlights)
  Improve on life skills (making a sandwich, learning to spread jam, peeling a vegi)
  Re-arrange a room of the home
  Use Dry Erase markers and make window art or mirror art
  Make decorations for the next upcoming holiday
Do a puzzle (even make one if you need to out of paper)
  Clean out and organize something in the home
  Cut out pictures from store ads and make a visual grocery list
  Use furniture to make an indoor obstacle course
  Design your own “Team”  T-shirts (can use permanent markers)
  Make superhero capes (towels, flat sheets)
  Create a scavenger hunt
  Make Leaf Rubbings
  Create a treasure map (hide a “treasure”)
  Sidewalk Chalk Art
  Play Dress Up Guess Who (dress like character and have everyone guess)
  Makeovers or Face Paint
  Learn Origami
  Play Balloon Volleyball
  Fly a Kite
  Make a “magic potion”
  Read your Horoscope
  Make a Phone Call or Video Call
  Create a real life game of CLUE
  Build a tower using uncooked spaghetti and mini marshmallows
  Make a live action “slow-motion video” (move slow enough the setting isn’t used)
  Learn how to say something in Sign Language
  Make cat toys to donate to an animal shelter
  Have an indoor picnic
  Pretend to be a server in a restaurant during meal time
  Make Friendship Bracelets
  Make up Pirate Names or Indian names for everyone
  Play MASH
  Make a Fairy House (use nature things such as sticks, leaves, moss, etc)
  Wash the company vehicle
  Draw or create a target and throw paper wads or a very light ball at it
  Make a marshmallow catapult
  Make your own Bubbles
  Paint Rocks (smooth ones work best) and put them outside for decorations
  Learn Finger Knitting
  Learn how to Crab Walk then have a race
  Play Tic Tac Toe
  Look up STEM activities to try
  Plant a seed and watch it grow
  Make a Marble Run
  Learn to Tie a Tie
  Decorate a cake and have a “Cake Boss” challenge
  Make a time capsule
  Make Paper Air Planes and do an “Air Show”

Last Piece of Advice

In case you are feeling stressed, down, or a little empty. I see you my fellow Human Services Worker. I know your heart. I know your struggles. AND, most importantly, I KNOW YOU GOT THIS!

Things to do from Program Directors in VA

Below are some free, alternative activities that people can engage in during the COVID-19 pandemic or any other situation where social distancing would be in effect.

The BalletNOVA Center for Dance in Falls Church, Virginia, is hosting virtual dance classes for all ages and abilities (

The Cincinnati Zoo is offering free Safari Facebook Live sessions daily where they will feature an animal and provide an activity to do from home (

Cleveland Metroparks Zoo is launching a weekday Virtual Classroom on Facebook Live  (

For more zoo and aquarium live streams and events visit:

For great recipes to make in home, check out the following sites. They offer free recipes, and some offer free video instructions!

For great arts and crafts to do inside, visit the following. There’s a great variety!

Besides Netflix, Hulu, and other popular streaming services, Sproutflix is offering free, full-screen playlist of 10 popular shorts films. These films feature people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and are great to watch during this time indoors. Go to the following to access the playlist:

You can also take a virtual tour of some of the world’s most famous museums. These tours are interactive and will help enhance your learning experience while being stuck at home.

Exercise webinars are available to stream online, but some require a small fee. Here are some free exercise live streams:

For those who are beginning to get bored of the same iPad apps, check out this list of 30 new apps:

Here are daily projects for reading, thinking and growing, targeted towards school age children, but some might like the interactive interface:

For virtual concert listing, visit:

Several colleges and universities are also providing free online learning sessions, so check out your favorite school and see what is offered!

Do you know another company to add? Email [email protected]. They can be added to the list.    

New Facebook group created for resources on School Closures: Educator Temporary School Closure for Online Learning           

Company         Web Address

Age of Learning (ABCMouse, Adventure Academy yes , ReadingIQ)  

BookCreater App  


Breakout Edu   


Discovery Education


Education Perfect  






Google for Edu  



Junior Library Guild  

Kahoot yes  



Manga High 6

Microsoft Education   


Mystery Science



Pear Deck

Prodigy yes


Reading Bear



Seterra Geography   

Slido Education

Texas Instrument SmartView




We Video



abcya   abcya